Mark Ellison
Mark Ellison is a licensed electrical contractor based in Reno, Nevada. He started in the electrical trade in 2000 and spent 17 years in various facets of the construction field. In 2017, he accepted a new position in construction management, tasked with building and managing a Nevada Division for a Bay Area based electrical contracting company. After 7 years, the toll of ineffective communication and conflicting visions for the company motivated him to move on and start his own business. He opened Keltic Fish Electric in September of 2024 with the goal of providing high quality electrical services with an approach focused on customer service. To help avoid the pitfalls of his previous company, he and his new team have decided to create a strengths focused work environment where team building is fostered and effective communication is key!
Appears in 1 Episode
Mark Ellison, Keltic Fish Electric: The Interview
Meet our number one listener Mark Ellison, affectionately known and self identifying as a proud arsonist. We are very proud to have Mark Ellison of Keltic Fish electr...