Christine Weeks, Eleanor Creative. The Interview

Listen to Christine Weeks discuss how Sarahs coaching within her company, Eleanor Creative, has made a difference and how Christines own Strengths play out in her management style.  Get ready to hear the story behind "I've got a sad story too, work harder" and how her company works to make a difference in the lives of their associates.

Creators and Guests

Bill Dippel
Bill Dippel
Bill Dippel is a certified, professional Strengths coach with a 35-year career in nonprofits and higher education. His passion is working with organizations, teams, and individuals to ensure they are performing and communicating at the highest levels. As president of Bill Dippel Strengths Coaching, he travels frequently for large events and public speaking, as well as working with whole companies through their management teams.
Christine Weeks, Eleanor Creative.  The Interview
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